LAW No 4013 - Article 5 - Meetings of and decisions by the Authority


Article 5 Meetings of and decisions by the Authority

1. The members of the Authority shall convene in ordinary meetings at least twice a month and in extraordinary meetings when required, at the President’s invitation, in which the time and venue of the meeting shall be specified. The invitation shall include the items of the agenda. The President of the Authority must convene an extraordinary meeting on the request of four (4) members.

2. Meetings of the Authority shall have a quorum if at least four (4) members are present. Decisions shall be taken by absolute majority of the present members and, in case of a tied vote, the President or his deputy shall have the casting vote. The Authority’s legal advisor may be invited to attend the Authority meetings without voting rights following the invitation of the President. The President may also invite members of the Authority’s staff or third persons, government delegates or delegates of foreign authorities, public or private bodies and professional organisations or experts to attend discussions on specific issues. Secretarial duties shall be carried out by a member of the Authority’s administrative staff appointed by a decision of the President.

3. Any other matter pertaining to the operation of the Authority shall be regulated under the rules of procedure referred to in Article 7 and, additionally, by the provisions of Articles 13 to 15 of the Code of Administrative Procedure.

4. Article 30 par. 9 of Law 2324/1995 is applied mutatis mutandis to the ordinary and deputy members of the Authority as well as its personnel.

5. The ordinary and deputy members of the Authority as well as its personnel shall not be prosecuted and sued for any opinion formulated during the performance of their duties, unless they have acted fraudulently or with gross negligence or violated the confidentiality of information and data, which has come to their knowledge in the course of the performance of their duties or violated the duty of confidentiality referred to in Article 26 of Law. 3528/2007 [Code of Conduct of Civil Administrative Servants and legal entities of Public law].